The South will rise again, but where?

Scary house

Rebel pride and German nationalism, there’s a combo for you. I would love to talk to the people that own this house, just to find out what they think the Confederate flag symbolizes. From the German people I have talked to, though, the rebel flag over here has all the bad connotations it is burdened with in the US, without the whole heritage thing.

Then again, they could just be huge Dukes of Hazzard fans.

4 responses to “The South will rise again, but where?

  1. Very fitting, actually… considering their house looks like most of the rebel flag flyers here in Tennessee.

    Then again… maybe that is an old Ikea house they purchased and put together a long time ago.

  2. Just FYI, this is almost certainly an American home. German homes aren’t built like this one.

  3. This is a German Gartenhaus, so that’s why it doesn’t look like a normal German residence.

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